Small Improvements Around the Space

Hi everyone,
If you find yourself fixing, cleaning or organising part of the space, take a picture and share it! :wink:

Here is what I did this afternoon with Hayden :smile: … and yes it is slightly better than before :wink: next time I will take the “before” picture as well…

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For those of you who are not aware, the CNC mill, which was in the back room with the laser cutter in building number 1, has been moved to the woodworking room.
The old stand on which the CNC rested was an eyesore so I quickly put another one together.
I now just need to install 2 cabinet doors to stop the dust from going into the computer, as well as a cover for some parts of the CNC mill to avoid dust accumulating where the electronic components are. I should be able to finish most of it by Friday.


Yes! it is the “laser cutter room” :wink:


Nice work, that acutely looks like a place I would like to visit :wink:

A trailer and a half of less trash at the space :wink: Thank you Hayden :smile:

Hopefully we can fit the rest in the new skip bin on Tuesday !

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Both floodlights on the boneyard/science lab/arthouse building have been aimed so they no longer illuminate the roof. Instead, they now provide adequate lighting to the side entryway/blacksmithing area, and to the car parks behind the rear of this building. It also makes the place look a bit brighter & more welcoming from the road. Thanks to Hamish for holding the ladder for me!

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Great Job Mike!
I can’t wait to get some great pictures of the space tomorrow morning after yesterday’s huge clean up !! well done to all that helped out :slight_smile:

Here are some pictures from last Tuesday’s clean up!!! Thank you all :smile:

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Well it was a sad day … (not really) but the skip bin has left us … the entrance actually looks quite decent. Can’t wait for the painting to commence!!

by the way thank you Karl for helping me take down the metal poles.

Great Job to Bec and anyone else who help organise the Boneyard. It looks very nice!

Thank you nog, for This awesome can crusher!!!. Everyone, make sure you use it :smile:

So I did a thing.

Yes, Vendo is now in its new home. I had to disassemble that fake granite topped kitchen thing that used to live in the entryway. The laminate for it is fine and should be useful for things like @rut4ger 's planned display case.

Our red couch was looking a little grody (people still use that word this decade, right?). I spent a few hours on Tuesday giving the couch’s vinyl a deep clean and protective treatment. I forgot to take a “before” photo but you can kinda see it in Geek Shirt #33.

Permanent damage aside, it looks much nicer now :smiley:

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We now have a big, light-up arrow pointing the way to our front door! It’s located next to our side entry gate. This should hopefully direct newcomers to our front door where they can be properly welcomed. The LED rope’s solar-powered with its own battery & automatically turns on when the sun goes down. No mains wiring at all. Thanks to @nogthree for buying this!

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