Quite often at HSBNE we get caught up in the excitement of opportunities that have become available to us and how to best make use of them. Unfortunately we get so caught up that we forget to appreciate those that bring us the opportunities in the first place.
So, in the spirit of appreciating opportunities I’d like to thank @caffeine_addict for organising the donation of a CNC Mill that he obviously is quite fond of. I hope it makes its way into the HSBNE tooling family and is cared fur well.
In addition, I’d like to thank @lhovo and his mad reflow skills for fixing the Netrols on the Boneyard and Metal Shop and for progressively replacing parts that might fail on other Netrols pre-emptively.
Also in addition, thanks @rut4ger for sturdying up the quad door on the green room, I’m sure it’ll look ace once the door strike or bolt is in.
Thank to @rut4ger@jace and anybody else who helped out with cleaning up the woodwork and metal work areas, they look amazing. Coupled with the clean green room HSBNE is looking pretty good, so thanks to anyone involved!
To all those how have been using the wood lathe and the woodshop in general.
Thanks for cleaning up after you! Knowing how much mess the lathe in particular makes its awesome to go in and thw only evidence that someone has used it is a new round thing laying about
I’d like to thank Mr Wizard @Thermoelectric for the new lights in the warehouse main room. That room is now leaps and bounds brighter than it used to be, while consuming slightly less energy than the old high-bay fixtures did!
Its actually a hair more power than the old high bays, but its massively more light and doesn’t have the same warm up\cool down issues, so you can turn it off if your going to be out of the room for >10mins, instead of >2hrs or more. Thus I think power is a wash either way, but its an awesome thing regardless.
@Wixted Dude what you have done today with the forge area is AMAZING! Well done and thanks, It’s a job that has been on a lot of peoples to do list for a long time, great to see someone taking ownership of the area.
Thank you to everyone involved in the cleanup today, the junk pile looks a lot more manageable. Also to those who I heard repaired the trailer lights/wiring! Well done guys!
Thank you to Clint and Meg for hosting a very successful woodworking class today.
All those who attended seem to even have fun sanding. not quite sure how it happened but it did.