Another T-Shirt Order

Hey Everyone!

Time for more shirts! Get one of these beautiful shirts for $35, increases charisma by 10 points!

Post your preferred size below before the 25th of May, send through your payment and we’ll get the orders in!

Anyone who volunteered at Supanova or World Science Festival who doesn’t have a shirt - Let us know and we’ll sort one out for you.

BSB 034-010
Account 297720

Size chart can be found here.

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I’d like to put my name down for one Medium :slight_smile:

Could I please get one XL?

I’m a straggler that’s too late for this, but can I reserve ahead for the next batch? I’m happy to pay in advance.

The shirts are in @mail.ananth.r, @Wixted and @doc! Feel free to grab from the space.

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Thanks, @sjpiper145. I’ll come by later this week :tshirt:

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