Arcade Games

Hey does anyone know if any of the arcade machines work?

I could get mine working on Tuesday if you like

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The mame cabinet in the corner with a CRT was working when I was at the space last Tuesday if I recall correctly. Turn it on, let it boot up, select your game and away you go!


Bringing a post from @Operaman over from the old members list…

Please treat it with respect. If I find it is being abused I will remove it. Also, make sure that it is powered off when not in use. See below for the correct power off procedure.

The emulator can be controlled directly from the control panel. I’ll be making up some instructions to put under the glass, but in the meantime here are a few usage pointers:

Powering the machine on: Ensure the machine is plugged in and turn on the switch at the wall socket. The PC should boot automatically. While it is booting the monitor will show out of sync video. This is normal. After a minute or so the menu should be displayed.

Powering the machine off: From the menu hold down the Player 1 start button and then press the Player 2 start button (this acts as an escape key). The menu should exit to DOS and you should hear a “Game Over” sample played on the audio. You can then safely turn off the power switch at the wall socket.

Selecting a game: In the menu the left joystick can be used to scroll through the games. Select the game to start by pressing the Player 1 start button. After a few moments the emulation should begin (some garbage video may be displayed while it is loading). If the emulator asks you to press OK, waggle the left joystick left and right. Press any button if it asks you to press any key to continue.

Adding a coin: The machine doesn’t need money to play! Once in the game you can simulate inserting a coin by holding down the Player 1 start button and pressing the left hand (RED) fire button. Once you have credits you can start a game using the Player 1 or Player 2 start buttons as normal.

Adjusting the volume: Hold down the Player 1 start button and move the left joystick up. This will enter volume control mode. You can then adjust the volume by moving the joystick left and right. Hold down the Player 1 start button and move the left joystick up again to exit the volume control mode.

Pausing the game: Hold down the Player 1 start button and move the left joystick down to pause and unpause the game.

Exiting the game: Hold down the Player 1 start button and press the Player 2 start button to exit the emulation and return to the menu.

If you find yourself in any configuration menus please don’t change the settings. That can really screw things up.

