Are the HSBNE 3d printer working? Also anyone still selling decent filiment?

Hey guys,

I’m wanting to do a bunch of 3d prints of decent quality (have to fit together, although I plan on sanding and painting) over the coming week, so it’d be good to know what status the pair of HSBNE 3d printers are currently in (eg, borked, have all parts, operational or calibrated).

Given I plan on printing a decent volume I intend on buying my own filament, but unfortunately I don’t know of any good supplier I can ship in such a time frame, so does anybody have any decent filament for sale? I know loki used to sell both normal and reject stuff, but he is obviously not in business right now (due to not being in the same country) and I’m not sure if Merseyless and co are selling any.

Also for reference on decent, I’m hoping to print but with batteries like in the movie rather than leather pouches used by Sean Charlesworth in his “recreation”. I’m hoping to time lapse the build with a go pro hero 3+ black and external wall charger, so I might get some decent pictures for the website. I’ve budgeted 2-3 12 hour blocks for this print, I hope this will be enough to get a good quality on all 22 parts… but its not enough time to stumble blindly so I may be asking a few of you for help when issues occur rather than trying to fix them on my own, payment will be in free drinks and pizza where applicable.

Loki/hsbne are Still selling that filament money is then sent to Loki. I m sure Blair and co are still selling.

I m guessing you are wanting this for supanova?

Ok that’s good to know, I’ll PM Blair about it then.

Also yeah, I’m planning on making the sterio-belt for supernova, although strangely enough it was something I had taken a look at way the Xmen movie featuring it. I actually first heard of it on a TV show regarding the Sony Walkman, odd in itself I don’t normally watch TV but it was one of the few things on the aircraft when I went to Vietnam, and back then laptop batteries ect didn’t last for >4hrs so without power points your a captive audience. I was jaw dropped when it was featured on a serious bit of screen time for Xmen, but it was still planned to be a full working recreation and firmly in the “something I’ll probably never get round to building” category. I’d been thinking of going to the Penny Arcade eXhibition or even comicon, but could never justify the airfare, accommodation ect so when I heard the largest of this years supernova events was to be in Brisbane it was a case where I saw it and was like, snap, I know what I’m doing. As a final twist to the story, when I decided to go to supernova there where no plans online to print this prop, so I have hand drawings done as a preliminarily to CAD designing the belt, as well as a pile of dials, switches ect to insert onto the face. Then low and behold two days before I started actually 3d designing it, Tested covered the making the belt, and uploaded a full set printable STL files, all 22 of them. So all in all it certainly seemed like fate played a heavy hand in this costume already, and with the hard work all done for me I have no excuses when my costume sucks =p

Long ass back story aside, do you know if the space printers are currently operational?

If you’re after filament we still have some in stock on
As for the space’s printers, I believe Sven is the only one who knows what is going on.
If I remember correctly, the space’s printers are borked and the only usable one is the one that Sven is in control of.

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