Hi All!
I’m looking at entering the Assistive Devices Hackathon and setting up a team, let me know if you’re interested! See below for recent correspondence in regards to the event.
Further to a recent email, we would like to inform you that the submission for maker teams has been extended until Sunday 11 June. We’d very much welcome your involvement in this to be part of this exciting and impacting event! You can create your team leader contact and register now – and then either go back in and upload your submission (copy of the submission form questions is attached) or email to adhackathons@absoluteevents.com.au by Sunday. If you need a few extra days to prepare your submission, please let us know.
Some background about the event:
Assistive devices are helping more and more people with disabilities do things they otherwise might not be able to, and the Queensland Government wants to see our makers and manufacturers lead the world in this exciting industry.
The Assistive Devices Hackathon, organised by the Queensland Government, will be a two-and-a-half-day intensive making marathon held in Toowoomba from 4-6 August 2017.
People with a disability - and a well-identified need - will work with a team of makers, mentored by a manufacturing industry expert, to develop a prototype that meets their needs.
Nominations are being sought from people with a disability, or a professional within the disability field, for challenges in two categories:
independent living
community involvement.
Once a panel has assessed these nominations, up to 10 projects will be selected before matching the challenge with a team of makers with relevant interests.
Makers will be innovative and creative thinkers who are enthusiastic, experienced or educated in relevant areas such as fabricating, design, coding, engineering or occupational therapy. The person with a disability (and, if appropriate, a carer) will be an active member of their project team and make a critical contribution to the development of a device prototype.
Each hackathon event will be two-and-a-half days of high-energy making, testing and prototyping. At the end of the event, each team will have a prototype that can be judged during a closing presentation. The winning team will receive support to further develop their product, with a view to potential commercialisation. Each team will retain all intellectual property generated in the making of their prototype.
If you are interested in submitting a team, or for further information, please visit our website.
Registrations for teams close on 11 June 2017 so register now to be part of this exciting and impacting event!