Hi, are there any bambu inductions planned in the near future. i had a hunt around the discord and the chat forum but couldn’t find any mention of a bambu induction coming up
Hello Dan, we don’t have any pre-scheduled inductions at the moment. We could simply arrange a meeting so I can give a rundown and access to the machine.
Let me know.
Awesome Ale.
As soon as I expect to be back in Brisbane I will let you know and see if we can figure out a time.
Hi Ale,
am back in Brisbane this Friday/Saturday/Sunday. I know its short notice and you may well have other plans but is there any chance of a bambu induction on any of those 3 days?
We could arrange something. Let me see how the cyclone situation develops. Maybe we can pencil something on this Saturday mid morning 11am.
I know @Felix is also interested.
That’s good for me
I am also keen!
Hey everybody! Confirming we will be having a bambu induction this next Saturday 16/03/2024 @ 11am.
I’ll see u there.
Great - see you then