Better Faster Stronger Hackerspace Day

Date: 20/12/14
Time: 10am
We are going to drag out all the projects we need done, get info on how to finish them from the people who know how, and assign jobs based on your skill set.

Morning: present the projects
Free BBQ lunch
Afternoon: assign jobs

If you are working on a project for hackerspace and need help, post about it below.


Will the space also be harder?

Can we outline a few possible projects now?


I moved 6 posts to a new topic: Space Projects Discussion/Finagling

Super keen for hobofire, beer, sausages and movies/wii on the big screen after.


Totes in agreeance. This thread would be best used to catalogue Space owned projects that need help prior to the event.

I’ll spin off the discussion into another thread :slight_smile:

On topic, here is a list of Space projects I know about/potentially need help with:

Web induction tool.
Tour scripting/virtual site tour
Capitalist(Payment processing/spacebucks tracking)
Vending machine backend code
Door open status checking
Power switching in greenroom using Orvibo S20

Other Space projects will include:

  • Tool Armory
  • Security Upgrade
  • Painting of the premises (with funds received from Kickstarter)

Hi All,

Just a reminder to come along tomorrow from 10am to go through a few major upgrades of the space and have a tasty barbecue lunch.

We will mainly focus on what needs to be done and how to do it.

If we are able to conduct some work on the day we will, but it won’t be the main focus of our get together.

See you tomorrow.

I’m running slightly late. I’ll be there at 10:30 :slight_smile:

Sorry, didn’t make it today due to last minute christmas shopping - bad timing.

Is anyone able to please summarise what happened so we’re all on the same page?

It was myself, Victor, and two others. Unfortunately I was unable to stay very long. So theres no real outcome to summarise. I believe Victor and the others installed a few security items perhaps?

I will try and organise a redo in the new year.

Putting the Snarc’s on the tools has been talked about for generations of
people moving through the space.

“Putting the Snarc’s on the tools” - IS HACKING. It’s hacking from so
many levels. It’s electronics, it’s hardware, it’s for improving
processes ( less misplaced tools means other can hack more and better, less
broken tools mean the same), it’s for security ( a better audit trail ,
and more visibility into if any tools go away and don’t come back).

I personally don’t care which is why I have not done it. All it does is
stop or slow someone down from hacking.

THat’s rubbish. What it does is enable more people to hack, as there’s
less “wheres the cordless drill gone”, or “who broke the curcular saw”.
These sorts of things are clearly “less hacking”, as there are people who
want to be, but are prevented.

The argument is always because they will break a consumable.

Actually, no, that’s not really the main argument, it’s just a beneficial
side-effect. It’s about making people put the equipment back where it
belongs, so everyone can find it, share it, and use it.

HSBNE should not supply consumable items eg. any item that is normally
supplied to a employee. For me the space is about the people, tools and

I get all my tools supplied to me at work, they are always where they
should be, and always put back. I also get a clean desk, and as much
real coffee as I can drink, gratis. None of these are
“consiumables”… consumables are printer paper, toner, toilet paper,

We buy stuff that never gets installed.

that’s nothing to do with tools, that’s purely to do with the fact that not
enough people actively engage in caring enough about the facilities to
improve the place.

Everyone, please ask yourself this privately: When was the last time you
helped make HSBNE better. I don’t mean turn up and sweep the floors, I
mean improve the processes, the facilities, the systems? If we’d had
just 5% of members people offer to do just 1 hour a week, the entire
security system would be fully installed, and amazing!.

When someone does do something like when I built a prototype for the tool
armory ages ago. I got critisied so much by members I decided to abandon
the project and left it in Josh’s hands. (this is not a criticism of Josh
we discussed options and worked excellently together on that project. Josh
took all of my suggestions on board and it was not his critique that made
me abandon the project)

I think you got stung by too much cookie-licking. ( other people standing
around saying “you are doing it wrong, do it like X”, while at the same
time not actually then doing it themselves ).

I am guilty of critiquing people’s projects poorly. We all have done it
by not communicating what we are saying effectively. I put my hand up to
say hey I have seen this problem in myself and others around me have been
doing it too.

This is a group culture problem and needs be addressed by the group not
the executive.

FInally, something I agree with.! Less with the cookie-licking
everyone. I saw some people doing it again on Tuesday! No, I will not
name-names, lets just say the offending words were something like “oh, I
was planning to do that this week”, so the original person stepped back,
and didn’t do it either.

HSBNE has a massive amount of awesome people come to the space a couple
of times and then leave. I think we need to look at ourselves and ask why
we have not grown in membership and what we can all do to support each
others projects.

stop trying to fork the snarc project

Agreed. Why not just help the existing project go in the direction it’s
already going? We need more of that.!

using power to track power use uses more power.

Actually, that’s irrelevant. If I use 5mW of power to track the usage of
5kW the savings we can get totally swamp the amount of power used by the
monitoring setup.



That’s a really old post for the forum to dredge up. Not sure which posts Buzz’s old post is actually replying to here.

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