Bonanza of great, free stuff

Hi guys,
I have a bunch of really great stuff that was being scrapped at my workplace. Please let me know if you would like any or all of it. Everything is free.
There are:

  • 4x monitors
  • 4x Solder stations and associated goodies
  • 2x uninteruptable power supplies (good ones)
  • 1x torque calibration system
  • 2x scanners
  • 1x modem
  • 1x conference phone with all the cables.
    My best contact is on 0413791532.
    Cheers legends

Peter, If the Hakko 808 that says “do not use” is broken, I would love it for spares. However if it works I am sure it would have a home on the electronics bench.

Sure Andrew. I was told it is still working and was decommissioned because an upgrade was purchased, so happy for you to play with it and do with it what you like.
Is there anything else that could be useful to anyone?

Hey @Peter_Hunt, pretty much everything would have a use in one way or another.

Does it need to be picked up?

Well if it works and is in good condition - it might be better than the one already on the electronics bench.

I am just discussing with the electronics bench people if they want the 808. If not then I will pick up the whole lot and deliver the remainder to the electronics bench - except maybe the UPS which I will take straight to SUB33

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