Brisbane On Parade Event: Building the Hackabot & Wearable Tech Workshop - 25 October

Brisbane On Parade Event: Building the Hackabot & Wearable Tech Workshop on Saturday 25 October!

HSBNE is building their own large Hackabot based on the design of Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest, for Brisbane On Parade!!

Come along to our interactive workshop as part of our involvement in Brisbane on Parade, on Saturday 25th of October. Check out who we are, watch the build in progress of the Hackabot, get involved in decorating it and create your own cool wearable tech to take home.

We will be running 2 Workshops during the day, the first from 10:00 to 13:00 and the second from 13:30 to 16:30:

This event is open to the public. Make sure to RSVP on our meetup page and send us a message with your session time preference.

Snacks and refreshments are available on site!

Check out the full description below:

HSBNE is building a robot based on the design of Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest. The Dutch designer has been working on these contraptions since 1990, and has produced a mechanical leg design which holds several advantages over wheels. Similarly to how an internal combustion engine converts linear motion into rotational motion, the Strandbeest’s legs convert rotational motion into repeated steps.

Check out Theo Jansen explaining his creations in this video:

By connecting two sets of legs with a motor driving each, we are able to create a very smooth steerable walking robot on a large scale.

Here is an example of a toy version of an electric strandbeest…

And Here is a video of a similar one in action:

Now, the one we are building is going to be much much bigger !! … Though not quite the size of the original ones … Some are more than 10 meters Wide and 4 meters tall !

Come along to learn more about our Strandbeest and see the build progress. We will explain all the process, the mechanics, the electronics and the programming involved. This will be in addition to interactive activities to demonstrate all of the concepts employed.

We have 3d printers, CNC routers a laser cutter and lots of other advanced equipment at our disposal!

Help us decorate the Hackabot and use the tools and materials we have to make cool wearable tech items to take home.

Snacks and refreshments are available on site!

See you there!