Cheap Filament

  • 3mm Yellow ABS
  • 3mm Glow in the Dark PLA
  • 3mm White PLA
  • 1.75 White PLA (sample amount)
  • 3mm Purple PLA
  • 3mm Black Hi Impact PLA
  • 3mm Semitransparent orange PLA (end of a roll)
  • 3mm Gray PLA on Spool (shitload)

Basically firesale prices, its just taking up space. Make an offer.

I am getting a 1.75mm printer so that is all I’m interested in.

How much for the white sample lot?


its a pretty small amount. $5?

That is fine with me.

Do you want me to meet you at HSBNE some time to pickup and pay?

I’ll be in tomorrow, i’ll bring with me.

What time tomorrow as it is a public holiday?

I can meet up any time it suits you.

probably more appropriate to pm me rather than muck up the thread with housekeeping mate.

i’ll be in in the evening, as is usual on open nights.