Coders Required

HSBNE Maintains a pile of backend infrastracture, and we have a huge backlog of work when it comes to code that we need written.

If you’re competentish in any of these skillsets, please raise your hand so perhaps we can get some code teams going.

Web Stuff

  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Postgresql
  • MySQL
  • Concepts like: OAuth, OpenID, RESTful, Stripe API, PubSub ala RabbitMQ etc.

Devops Stuff

  • CoreOS
  • Docker
  • Xen
  • Ansible

Embedded Stuff

The backlog is so chronic at this point we’re considering woofing positions so that we can catch up.

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I do know a bit about PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MySQL

PubSub ala RabbitMQ etc.

I have read about pubsubhubbub

I know these comfortably enough to consider myself competentish (Mostly for reference)

#### Web Stuff
* Javascript
* Postgresql
* Concepts like: RESTful, Stripe API, PubSub ala RabbitMQ etc.

#### Devops Stuff
* CoreOS
* Docker
* Xen

#### Embedded Stuff
* C

I am semi competent at low level ASM-ish and C-ish stuff for Embedded.

Can’t imagine there is too much call for that though.

Out of the list I am comfortable in


And have used
OpenID(as part of a libary and have no idea how it works)

Happy to help if I can.

I can do C++, C, assembly, C#, Java, PHP, SQL etc.

Expertise is in Client/Server architecture, embedded systems, App coding (currently only Android but I’m learning iOS) and compilers and tool chains.

Just post up a task list, and be available (email or whatever) to get me access to whatever I need access to to get it done.

PS, my membership (and subscription invoice) still hasn’t gone through, I’m happy to subscribe and I’ve been a fixture of Hackerspace days for a few months now.