Collaborative Projects

Personally, I’d love to see a few more projects happening at the Space which involve multiple Causes. As well as being a great to get others involved and to pick up new skills, those sorts of projects definitely show off the pretty unique synergies that are only available at somewhere like HSBNE.

A few years ago I did some casting of trophies which had elements in Digifab (3D printing by @sjpiper145), the Forge (casting by @Wixted), the metal shop (me) and also the wood shop (creating the base).

Does anybody have any projects coming up which could be along those lines, and could use some help from other Causes?


I’m participating in a Blacksmithing Joinery class next weekend, where I will be making a set of table legs using traditional techniques. I would appreciate someone’s help in putting together a solid, butcher block table top for it (not end grain :rofl: ) Sourcing interesting woods, glue up, finishing etc. Not sure on the dimensions yet, but will share asap

I’m also helping @Chris_Noonan with some metal casting in the next month or two, casting aluminium bronze fittings for his boat. He has done all the modelling, 3D printed the patterns, built new casting boxes for the cause area, & is currently sourcing material to cast. I will let people know when it’s happening so they can come & watch.

I have access to a literal semi-trailer of reclaimed hardwood. I need a little for myself.

Maybe @ltp and yourself could come have a look? It’s located in Yerongpilly

@pelrun @Darbness, the keyboard fits here?
Electronics, metal working, might have some 3D printed bits or lasercut not sure at this stage.

That is the PERFECT example of what I’m after!

Free Timber is always a win in my books… Do you have any Pics…

Main issue will be about storage. Need to sort that out before moving anything

What if HSBNE built a Tiny house to sell
add in Metal work, woodwork… and lots of other building things…
can also showcase some innovation… with electronics and 3 printing…
would be a great Media tool…
could even throw in the idea of as much recycling as possible to reduce the construction cost
Tiny houses go for 40000-60000 +
and it wont really matter if it took us 3 or 4 years…

Yeah there is likely lots of Hurdles… but just an Idea for a joint project for the space

The Lofty conversion is similar to a tiny house in terms of collaboration. Thank you to everyone from different causes who have or are currently helping us with Electronics, Digital Fabrications, Crafting, Automotive, Metal work and Woodwork. We really appreciate it. The only cause not yet utilised in the project is the Forge.