Collaborators for Airship project (12 month duration)

Hi all, just putting this out there:

I’m working on a design for a high altitude airship, looking for people who may be interested in collaborating, especially on the electrical/electronic subsystems, or the flight operations.

Ideally you would have some level of knowledge & experience in one of the following areas:

  • miniature autopilots e.g. Ardupilot/Pixhawk, Raspberry Pi companion computers, Rockblock/Iridium data links, data over VHF/UHF;
  • solar power systems with lithium battery storage;
  • CASA-certified operation of unmanned aircraft (in general), long-range and BVLOS (in particular).

Even without this experience, if you’re genuinely keen and you’re a bit of an autodidact then I’d be interested in talking.

This project will run for approx 12 months, with most of the design & build work happening in the second half of this year through to about Feb next year. I have enough funding to pay for materials and out-of-pocket expenses. There is some potential that this project could lead to future ongoing commercial / for profit activities, and therefore I’m open to discussing appropriate commercial arrangements, e.g. some kind of remuneration, ownership/licensing of IP, or shares in a startup.

I understand people here have many time commitments. I’d like to hear from you if you are interested and you think you could be involved in some meaningful way, even if it’s not a huge number of hours.

Dan Field
0411 755 869

I have experience doing everything on your list.

Im also an ArduPilot software developer, and CASA certified.

Unfortunately I’m pretty busy, and don’t really have time for a non paying project, but I might b able to answer questions etc as u come along them etc.


Hi Buzz, that’s terrific. It would be great to discuss this further. I’ll PM.

Hey Dan,

Fancy meeting you here :slight_smile:

Like Buzz, I don’t have heaps of spare time, but I’m keen to help where I can. Let me know when you’re down at the space and I’ll come down for a catch up.


Hey Duncan, well how about that.

Thanks that sounds awesome. Looks like the space will be closed for a little while. The project is set to properly kick off around the end of June so for sure I’ll aim to get in for a chat some time in the second half of June.
