Craft punk team Meet up


Members Present
Kyia Bourne
Zak Crow

Discussed open day
Make mugs and plates for opens day
Figure out how to use machine today
Discussed Painting the dirty pink purple or another creative colour to inspire.
Make craft signs ideas for what goes on sign to delineate clean from dirty - What can’t, what can be done in each room
Do we need a sink? Will the old kitchen sink be discarded or kept in the Reno, could craft punk use the old since set up in the dirty room.

For next week/meeting

Document whats in the room (loosely)
Figure out what’s on going consumables for keeping stocked
Transfer wiki data into snipe it/asset page and creat stock list for Inventree

There used to be a sink in the dirty room in the left hand corner, you can see the existing hole where drainage used to be. Theres water supply to the right of the hole, cold only. If you put a sink back in, you’d have to figure out drainage as the previous one used to just dump it on the concrete, and theres no way to get a drain to an existing point, so it would mean a capture tank of some kind, or some kind of complicated pumped system. Just FYI :slight_smile:

Yeah, that’s why we posed the question do we need a sink?