2020-01-07 Craftpunk meeting minutes
- Paula O’Donnell
- Meka Beecham
- Mike Ando
- Michael Shepard
- Tim Reichle
- Brendan Halliday
- Megs Drinkwater
- Gabrielle Hewitt
Megs wants to borrow the button maker for large project, she will pay one month’s fee plus costs. The loan will be noted on the board.
Vote: Passed
Status of refit
- Have done two walls
- Meka has made the security grate for the window
Since there is a general discussion happening around redoing all of the floors throughout the space, Craftpunk will be a part of the general consensus and work for the larger project.
Next working Bee
- Remove the air conditioner
- Drill the frame directly into load-bearing beams
- Put a board or piece of acrylic
- Paint the remaining walls
Meka will work on the screen printing cabinet in his own time
Meka will be temperature testing the kiln
Estimates are between $50-$150 worth of electricity for firing the kiln.
For the next grant/causeleader meeting, Craftpunk nominates the following three machines:
Embroidery machine
Pottery wheel
Hobbyist Plastic injector moulder