Equipment to Buy - List of Priorities

The purpose of this post is to document/discuss/agree as a group the current list of priorities for equipment to be purchased for the wood shop.

Anyone can add suggestions or requests to the list, and as a group we will agree on the order of priority. :slight_smile:

The thinking is that the agreed list will be added to the Wiki and maintained.

To kick things off, the current item as suggested by @devians is:

  1. Thicknesser / Planer
  2. Larger Bandsaw
  3. More sanding options (needs further definition?)

I would also like to suggest

x) Jointer
x) Drill Press (the existing one is AWOL?)
x) Sharping stones / Water Stones
x) bench-top holdfasts (

Please comment below with suggestions, big or small - even things that might be on the “wish list”.

Cheers all.

A Jointer and a Thicknesser/Planer are the same thing, unless I’m mistaken?

Sanding options are:

  • Disc sander
  • Belt sander
  • Bobbin sander

We’d need a work surface to take holdfasts before buying any. Perhaps the planned laminated beam table could use them?

@devians - Nope, the Jointer and Thicknesser are very different (and important) machines, both of which are required for a functional woodshop. When working with recycled or raw timber, you use the jointer to establish a flat square face on the timber. Then the thicknesser planes the timber against that reference face. There is no point putting timber through a thicknesser if you don’t have a flat square reference face.

Here, check out some more detail:

No, you’re a bit confused there.

That list is referring to a thicknesser/planer, which is one of these:

Ie its both tools in one, where as you’re talking about a thicknesser compared to a jointer/planer.

Incorrect. There are all in one tools that do all of the above functions, you are linking to a machine that can be converted between jointing and thicknessing. More often you have a separate jointer and a planer from a cost and practicality perspective. thicknesser/planer is one thing, Jointer is another. Google it.

So you’re saying we should buy a thicknesser/planer, as well as a jointer? Whats your reasoning there? What advantage is there to owning both tools?

@devians Did you read the link I included above that answers both that question, and the order in which its suggested they are purchased?

I understand the difference, i think this is a confusion of terms, your linked article refers to a thicknesser as a planer, whereas the combo tool is using the term planer to mean jointer.

I’m talking about a combo tool that lets you flatten one face, make a right angle, then mill the timber with parallel faces. You’re talking about a tool that lets you flatten one face and make a right angle.

No you are still confused. If you have an issue understanding what I am trying to tell you or perhaps accepting that you dont know as much as you think you do, please seek out advice from someone else that can inform you.

I respectfully disagree, and we will have to agree to disagree unless you can explain your point more clearly :slight_smile:

I think there is some confusion over terms in this thread. In the US what is known as a Planer is commonly known as a Thickness Planer or Thicknesser in Australia. it is used to make two side parallel to one another.

A Jointer is used to square two faces to one another, and is also known as a planer or surface planer.

As we can see, the term Planer is inaccurate due to it’s usage for different operations, and has probably led to some confusion

From the description of the machine @devians linked:

Change from Jointer to Thicknesser easily by releasing two levers and lifting the conjoined worktables into position. Flip the dust chute over, lock it into position and you’re ready to go. Converting back to jointer is just as quick but in reverse.

I think this machine achieves the goals of both @devians and @Doxle


Thanks @Wixted, appreciated.

There are arguments against that type of all in one device that I would flag, primarily 1) cost 2) within a shared workspace, the functions cant be used independently by two different members at the same time (consider expanding membership in particular). Thus, most woodshops will have both a Jointer and a Thicknesser.

I will add some small items

A second Router (apart from a Table router).
More Clamps (cant have to many)

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