EV Time Attack series?

Would anybody be interested in an electric vehicle time attack racing event?

Basically just like time attack racing with cars but using the little electric toys we buid. This would consist of individual allotted time to complete runs around a track to set the fastest lap time possible. The advantage over racing would be that different classes of racer could compete in relative safety (skateboard, scooter, segway, e-bike, mobility scooter etc).

So anyway, show of hands on who would be interested in this?

Count me in !!!
It would be perfect to fully test my electric skateboard with hub motors :slight_smile:

If we had another in a few months time I might try to build a tiny electric Morgan 3 wheeler to race.

I’m currently overseas and I will be back on the 5th of August. What are your thought on a day between the middle and end of August?

My old Ebike is currently in pieces, so it’ll be a while before I can build something to race. I’m very keen to compete when I do have something though. For now I think it’ll probably be a race between you, Blair and Sam (possibly). That’s why I’ve posted here: I don’t know who else will be interested.

If you have a large vehicles section, can I cheat with a pre-made vehicle? Because even if I’m disqualified, I’d seriously like to see who’d win in a race between me & Sam’s modified Segways. He has less grip, but so much less mass to shift so I can’t tell who’d win (especially if there’s sharp corners). :smiley:

It will have lots of tight corners but we can make the track wide enough to fit your getz. I personally wouldn’t take an irreplaceable car to a gymkhana, but I guess there’s minimal risk with FWD.

UPDATE: I’ve been able to pick up my electric scooter from the Gold Coast, so I will be able to take part in this now. Hopefully I’ll be able to change over the drive system onto my road bike for some proper speed though.

Currently it looks like it will be: Mike, Blair, Victor and myself. Anybody else have an EV to race?

I will enter the pre made drive me race…

I’m totally in favour of seeing this, a while back I wanted to bring the
Power Wheels Racing here. (Modifying kids electric cars to carry adults

This may be a good intro to that.

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I will enter the “pre-made” vehicle section :smiley:

So a HSBNE version of this gif?


I’d love to see a major event happen sometime in May- June. We need this much time because:

1: the open space next to HSBNE would be perfect, but at the moment it is being used to park hail damaged cars.

2: we should give enough time for participants to fix their Vehicles and or build them from scratch.

3: We should have an open event with different categories and promote it to the various engineering faculties around Brisbane.

4: If we can attract some sponsors, we could have some awesome prizes

  1. we need to write up some rules :smile:

so… who would be interested in actually organising and help organise such event?

I would be happy to participate, I am currently building an electric mtb. In terms of the event per se, will we require insurance and make it a big deal or is it more about participation and for people to show off their projects? I’d also be happy to organise if we weren’t too ambitious.

Another option we could work with is recycling the hub motors from the segway clones currently stored in the big shed.

Give teams 1-2 each and go from there.