Expression of interest - Presentation by Jingfeng Liu President of LikSprite ( Saturday 13 September)

The executive has been contacted by Keith Willis from uniDap Solutions ( He has informed us that he has arranged a visit to Brisbane next month for Jingfeng Liu and Chang Luo, the President/CEO and Vice-President of LinkSprite, ( for business related to their pcDuino product range, (

We have been told that Mr Liu is a very keen supporter and sponsor of hack spaces around the world and has expressed a desire to address HSBNE during his visit here. The only day Mr Liu would be available is Saturday 13th September, (at pretty much any time).
Before we organise anything officially, it is important to understand how many people would be keen to attend such event.



If it end up after 10:30 I’ll be keen.


I am interested in this.

Cool ! we would need at least another 8 people to attend for this to happen, so if you can think of anyone you know who might be interested or if you have anyone in mind you can drag along, please let me know :smile:

yeah, put me down as well.

yes please.

Count me in :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all,
So everything is confirmed for this Saturday 13 September at 10:30 AM
Free drinks and snacks will be provided!
See you all there!!!