Fabrication modeling and Revit


These terms from from the industrial design world. The design model defines the design, which informs the fabrication model. The fabrication model is then, in turn, what produces the prototype, tooling, or final product.Sometimes the two models are done in totally different software packages, and not connected, sometimes they are done in the same package but are still sepirate models, and sometimes they are all-in-one.The closest analog in the AEC world would be Schematics/DD = Design Model, and CD/shop drawings = Fabrication Model.So we do a lot of fabrication modeling in Revit, using an all-in-one approach. Sometimes we take these models and produce shop drawings, but most of the time we just fab the stuff directly via CNC. I’d like to start a thread here about what you do when it comes to fabrication models and/or shop drawings in Revit, tips and tricks that you use, and where Revit might do better at this sort of thing.I’ll start: with 2008, we’ve figured out a more efficient workflow when doing large, custom, one-off in-place elements. During design we model up one big but simple in-place family. Then once the design has been signed off on, we then create a series of in-place Fabrication models, using that design model as a base to snap to/pick from. We put the fab models into a dedicated Fabrication Model Workset so we can close them off to speed things up. Then we create a bunch of sections, 3d views, and callouts of each part, and because it’s made up of groups of in-place families we can selectively hide parts now due to 2008’s ‘hide in this view’ feature to isolate just the parts we need in the view. We then will either annotate and dimension those views for shop drawings, or simply export them to bring into the CAM software for CNC. We leave the ‘placeholder’ design model family in-place for the rest of the project.What are y’all doing when it comes to shop drawings or detailed CD’s of custom elements in Revit?

Please help.

I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.

Motion graphics agency
