I’m starting to set up for the comming forge induction and work shop on Sunday 7th of Feb.
I figured it would be awesome to make a mobile phone desk stand. Much easier than the complicate knife we made, but applying the twisting and bending we did on the knife.
Having done the first work shop is not a prerequisite for making a mobile phone deak stand. All nubies are welcome.
I’m going to sketch out dimentions and measurements on the steel table top this time, so we will have more guidance and uniform shapes etc. Resulting a very consistent finish.
Essential safety stuff you need. No synthetics!! Leather gloves ( light welding gloves are great, gardening gloves are ok.), long pants, closed in foot wear (boots are great).
Safety stuff we have. Hearing protection, and eye protection.
My wife is very interested in doing this workshop but is not a member. Is there any way she can still do this as any blacksmithing and forging workshops are impossible to come by?
She can come in as my guest, I monitor her as part of the group. Everything is dandy.
Only catch is she can only work when monitored by my self. If I walk away to drink some water, she has to wait untill I return. I will spend %99 of my time with the group regardless. So she will have made a mobile phone stand by the end of the day.sounds good?
that is fantastic to hear thank you so much. If you could give us a revision when we get there on the rules so we dont contravene anything. Thanks again Zach