Free Drinks Bounties

Hey everyone!

After the cleanup day today, the space looks pretty decent. I’d really like it to stay that way because cleanliness is the biggest thing that annoys me at the space. I’ve tried the do-ocracy way of doing it myself & that’s not working because it’s way more than one person can manage. Cleanup days are great when things get out of hand but hopefully with continual effort we won’t get to that point very often. So, this is my attempt at getting other people to clean too - by placing a public bounty on cleaning! All this is listed on the Wiki too. For now it’s coming out of my own pocket because I really don’t mind the cost if it means the space stays clean. Down the road we’ll see how things are going & if anything needs refining.

Free Drinks!

Everybody loves free stuff. Nobody loves dirty stuff (well I guess Oscar the Grouch does, but he’s not here). In a crazy mashup combining these two things, I’m offering a free drinks in exchange for keeping the space clean. Member or visitor, do one of the below jobs & show me (or if I’m not around take a photo & show me the photo), and I’ll buy you a drink of your choice from either of our vending machines!

Current bounty list

  • Completely tidy off & wipe down the middle tables in the green room
  • Completely tidy off & wipe down the outside tables in the green room
  • Sweep the green room & lobby area floors
  • Vacuum all carpeted areas in the main building
  • Clean the toilet bowls/urinals in both Mens & Womens toilets, plus wipe down the sinks & empty toilet bins
  • Mop the floors in both Mens & Womens toilets, plus wipe down the sinks & empty toilet bins
  • Empty every single bin in the space (if you can’t do this because the Veolia bin outside is full, be sure to report this to the exec)
  • Completely tidy up & properly sweep the Quad from the East side of the covered area to the East fence-line
  • Completely tidy up & properly sweep the Quad the width of the covered area, extending down to the main building
  • Completely tidy up & properly sweep the Quad from the West side of the covered area to the Boneyard/Science Lab building
  • Completely tidy up & properly sweep the area around & behind the Boneyard/Science Lab building, from beside the main building to beside the Warehouse building
  • Done something else amazing to improve how the space looks? Let me know & there’s a good chance I’ll buy you a drink!


  • The aim of this is to encourage everyone to keep the space clean. Don’t try & exploit this system somehow :stuck_out_tongue:
  • You don’t have to claim a reward if you don’t want it. Cleaning purely out of the good of your heart & for the space is totally cool and you are an awesome awesome person who should keep it up.
  • Each bounty can only be claimed by one person, once a week, only if something actually needed doing, and for now it’s capped at 5 a week so I don’t go broke
  • All bounties are void if you create a big mess in the area you’re claiming - you should be cleaning up after yourself anyway
  • Don’t want your drink right now? Take a photo & show me later! Don’t drink? Claim two bounties & I’ll buy you something from the chocolate bar machine! Don’t eat either? I’ll gratuitously thank you & shower you in praise! Don’t shower? …Um, you might want to look into that.

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“the do-ocracy way of doing it myself” is a misunderstanding that many peeps hold. When dealing with issues like this that are affecting everyone …the " the do-ocracy way" of getting something like this done is to LEAD and MOTIVATE OTHERS into doing it together.

Leading people is like herding angry disagreeable cats, only worse, so often people just avoid it…

This email/post, and your drinks/bounty plan sound to me an awful lot like you’ve decided to try on the leadership hat, and are giving it a go. Bravo!

I respect you more for this attempt, no matter if it works or not. :slight_smile:
