Front door and security - all members

All Members,

Yet again, it has been reported to us by Port Security that the facility has been left open and unlocked. In this instance, both " the front door of the building" was ajar, and the “double gates on the driveway to the site unlocked”. This is utterly unacceptable.

Effective immediately, leaving the front door unlocked/open is NOT acceptable. You must keep that door shut at all other times, even if you are onsite.

Leaving the site unsecured is also a violation of a bunch of rules, including the code of conduct, and is worthy of an Infraction being issued, no warnings.

"Wed 0727 hrs - Portwatch 07 completed an internal inspection of the Hacker’s
Space Area, Hamilton, and found the front door of the building ajar. He
also discovered the double gates on the driveway to the site unlocked.
Portwatch 07 completed a full inspection and found no person’s on site. The front door and the
access gate were both secured by Portwatch 07. All appeared in order.  


To further this.

It is good practice if you are about to leave to have a quick walk around to see if anyone is onsite. (even if your 100% sure your alone)
In this walk around you are also checking doors and gates are locked.

If you come across another member, please have a friendly conversation along the lines of “I’m leaving now, are you ok to lockup?”

Ensure your work area is clean and secure (if your working where other members aren’t), this includes checking windows in and around the main building.
Failure to leave the site secure WILL result in a infraction, repeated infractions for the same offence will result in loss of after hours access.

Tuesday nights are the worst culprit for leaving the space unlocked, if you are among the last few people still at the space on a Tuesday Night or Wednesday morning cos I know how you all roll ;). Please help those still on site when you are leaving to lockup. Or at a very minimum, confirm that the know the correct lockup procedure.


  • Help lockup even if your not the last person onsite
  • Infractions/penalties will be issued to any member not securing the site

Shit a bollock. Looks like it was me, found the security footage. I did the walk around, locked up, then when I pushed the door shut behind me it stopped half way open. I’ve never seen it do that before, it’s always been really hard to make it stay open. Sorry all.



One thing with the gate - we can’t lock it. The only way to ensure it’s locked is call up security and ask them to. It’s a pain in the button which is probably the reason for at least a few of these.


The reason we don’t have a lock on it is because people are dunderheads and couldnt lock the chain properly last we had it going, locked security out, so they cut off our lock.

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I’ve been meaning to make up some tags that say “Lock these bits together”, and paint the ends yellow or something. If anyone wants to do that, I have a lock we can use. We are allowed to have our own lock in there, but like @devians said, we cant lockout port security cause they’ll cut our shit off.

Who’s keen to get an electric gate opener sorted?

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