Google Apps for Non Profits

Googles support for non profits has finally come to Australia, hooray!

Because we’re already registered with ConnectingUp, which is their technology partner that you have to be a part of, I’ve gone and done all the registration and setup steps.

I’ve applied for:

  • A not for profit youtube account. Not sure what the advantages are but sweet.
  • Extended our google apps setup to be not for profit enabled, which should give us the paid features.
  • Applied for adwords for not for profits, which gives us like, $10,000 for google adwords (I think this may even be reoccurring, I haven’t figured out the details yet)

These all have to get approved so I’ll let everyone know what happens when it does.

In the meantime, is anyone a wizard with social media stuff? I would like for HSBNE to have a ‘correct’ google plus page setup thats linked to our youtube channel etc. Apparently this gives you mad gainz wrt SEO etc.

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Just received a reply from Google. We are approved for Adwords. See the copy of the email below for details:


We’re pleased to inform you that HSBNE has been approved for Google Ad Grants. We’re glad to have you as part of the program and we hope that your AdWords grant will help you find additional support for your nonprofit.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the AdWords system and interface is designed for our paying advertisers. You may find that some features or advertising opportunities may be restricted within your account. It’s important to learn the key differences between a Google Ad Grants account and a regular AdWords account, and set your account settings accordingly.

Google Ad Grants accounts:

  • have a daily budget set to USD 330 dollars total for ALL campaigns, which is equivalent to about USD 10,000 per month
  • have a maximum cost-per-click (CPC) limit of USD 2.00
  • only run keyword-targeted campaigns
  • only run text ads
  • only run ads on Google search result pages and not on the Google Network
  • run ads for as long as your organization remains actively engaged with your AdWords account
  • per Google Ad Grants guidelines, you are required to log in and manage your account at least once per month. Failure to log in for three consecutive months may result in your account being automatically cancelled or paused.

If any of your settings are not according to the Google Ad Grants guidelines, please make the adjustments to your account now.

Below are some very important steps you’ll need to take, so please read this carefully.

  1. Create your campaigns

    Please note that although your account is now active, you still need to set up your campaigns in order to start running. When you’re ready to start, please sign in to your account at and create your first campaign. Learn how to create your campaign at:

    Your ads should begin to run once you’ve created your campaign. If you want to preview how your ad looks, use the Ad Preview Tool at Learn more at

  2. Monitor your campaign performance

    Once you’ve created your campaigns, it’s very important that you enable the Quality Score column within your account and monitor this column on a daily basis for the first 2-4 weeks; this can take as little as 5 minutes a day if your account is performing well. Quality Score is a vital measure of your campaign’s performance, and the first few weeks are when your account will earn its initial quality score. Here’s how to enable the quality score column within your account:

    In tandem with your Quality Score, you should monitor your clickthrough rate (CTR) which shows how often people who see your ad actually click it. Ideally, you should aim to have a CTR that is above 1% for each of your keywords; the higher the CTR, the better.

    Here are some things you can do if a keyword has a CTR of less than 1%, meaning that it generates a lot of impressions but very few clicks:

    • Pause or delete that keyword; poorly performing keywords can lower your Quality Score, which can prevent your account from being able to show ads at all.
    • Move the keyword to its own ad group with an ad that relates more directly to that keyword. For example, the keyword “elementary school scholarships” might perform better in an ad group whose ad has “Elementary School Scholarships” as the headline in the ad text.
    • Combine a singular keyword with other keywords to make it more specific. For example, change “scholarship” to “elementary school scholarship.”
    • Add more negative keywords to your account
    • Search Google for the keyword to learn more about the other search and sponsored link results showing for that keyword. This can help give you ideas for rewriting and differentiating your ad.

    As always, when making changes and additions to your AdWords account, we strongly encourage you to only include highly targeted and relevant keywords specific to your organization. The addition of irrelevant and general keywords can negatively impact account performance and may stop the delivery of your ads.

For help resources and guides, please visit

We’re glad to have you in the Google Ad Grants program.


Google Ad Grants Team

Very cool!


And a second reply has come through, our Apps account has also been approved. Woo! :slight_smile:

I won’t claim to be an expert by any means, but I do manage my company’s Adwords account. If no one else puts their hand up I’ll volunteer to get us started.

I’ll need your google account to add you to it, and I think we should sit down and have a bit of a strategy talk before executing anything. sound good?