The TimVideos organisation is participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) again this year. GSoC is a program were Google gives stipends to University students for contributing to open source projects. This means that if you are a University student or know a University student, you could get money to help make LiteX, LiteX-BuildEnv and HDMI2USB better!
You can find a precrafted set of ideas here -> and i.mproving things like the Linux or QEMU LiteX would certainly be eligible. However, we haven’t had many students apply to work on projects like these, so it would be extremely helpful if everyone could help by reaching out to potential candidates students they know.
You can find more information about GSoC on our blog post for this year -
There is also a lot of information on our GSoC announcement for last year too -
Applications to be part of GSoC are currently open and students have until March 27, 16:00 UTC to apply!
I am one of the Mentors for #timvideos, and I’m based in Brisbane.