GovHack at HSBNE!

This year we are an official Makernode for GovHack! How exciting! This will be from July 29 - 31 (Friday night - Sunday afternoon).

GovHack is an annual open data competition. Competition categories are announced at 7pm Friday 29th July at your venue! Teams have 46 hours to create a project page, proof of concept and a video that tells the story of how government open data can be reused. It’s a competition, and there are prizes, but GovHack is a friendly creative environment. Our maker event will have a focus on making physical things - examples include 3D printing dinosaur bones scanned by the QLD museum, creating a visualisation of climate data, and turning it into laser cut acrylic earrings, and using data to generate knitting patterns. There is a main GovHack event happening in Brisbane that will host a hundred or so people, but this year the GovHack organisers wanted to try also having some smaller satellite events. Great prizes will be available and there will be catering! For more information, check out their website here:

We also need volunteers to assist with the event (to help participants use tools around HSBNE)! If you’d like to volunteer, register here:

It’s free to register as a competitor! Register here to compete:

Comment here if you’d like to be involved or form a team!