HealthHack 2018 Brisbane

I wanted to let you all know about HealthHack which is happening 14-16 Sept here in Brisbane at ThoughtWorks. It’ll be working on real problems that have been brought from medical researchers and health professionals. The problems are starting to go up on the website now:

I’m one of the organisers for HealthHack, and I’ve been a hacker before as well, and through that I’ve seen the impact of putting professionals from outside of health in front of health problems. Here’s a summary of what was delivered at last year’s event:

We are all open source: Everything solved at the hack is made available for anyone else to use. We are also really focused on solving all the problems in the the room. These are real problems and often we see people move between teams to help another team get across the line. That’s HealthHack behaviour and we encourage it as much as possible. If you’re interested you can sign up at the website here:

In particular we are looking for technical people. But don’t let lack of experience dissuade you. Last year’s supreme coder award winner was a total beginner and she now works as a developer at Shopify. True story. It was Tracy Kaur.


I don’t understand the challenge of the 2nd problem?

that’s the fun of it. on friday night it’s up to each team to work with each problem owner to work out what their problem really is and how they will go about solving it. this process of understanding their problems much better is often quoted, from health and research professionals as the number one thing they take away from the event.