Hi everyone, I'm Oli!

Hi HSBNE! My name is Oliver (or Oli if you’d like)

I’ve just joined because I heard about HSBNE from a friend, and I’d like to introduce myself.

Personal Interests

  • Music
  • Woodworking
  • D&D
  • Currently learning to draw
  • General handyperson-ing
  • Hiking
  • Cooking (veg, so interested in using plants to recreate traditionally meat-based meals without relying on fake meats)
  • Trying to get back into gaming but probably relegated to life as a filthy casual

Things I am looking to learn or do at HSBNE

  • Anything and everything building and fabrication. Currently renovating a home and loving the process of learning history and problem solving with an old house.
  • Interested in electronics and circuitry, though I don’t have capacity to learn that right now, and 3d printing and fabrication.

I am currently

  • Studying Law at Griffith University
  • Working as an unemployed buffoon who occasionally sings at weddings and events for $$
  • Looking for work as a law clerk, event producer, or general admin odd-body, so long as it’s at or above award.
  • On the management committee for QLD Actors’ and Entertainers’ Benevolent Fund, which provides aid to those in the entertainment sector who fall on hard times (a lot of us over the last two years) and for Playlab Theatre, a play publishing and production house in Brisbane. Check them both out, they’re awesome!
  • Trying my very best to take it more “easy” to little success


  • Bachelor of Musical Theatre (QLD Conservatorium Griffith Uni)
  • First aid and CPR
  • Mental health first aid accreditation
  • RSA (I mean, who knows when it could be handy?)

Hey bro!

Good to meet you. Though it isn’t a formal position, I like to greet new members and ensure the know where things are and how things work.

Beyond that, would you like to tell me about the contrast or compliment between what seems like a creative life style and law?

And what is mental health first aid?

I kinda make random stuff. My next mission is to make a anvil out of rail road tracks, and sacrifice my 3d printer back to the hells that bore it.

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Hey Zac,

Good to meet you too - thank you for your welcome and help, it’s very kind of you! I will reach out if I have any questions - I’ve been to campus a few times since joining, generally in the quiet times (I did get locked into the Eat Street carpark and had to work out which padlock was ours at 2am ahah), and it seems fairly straightforward, but keen to get deeper into it all.

I think the major thing is that the pandemic highlighted even more starkly the insecurity in creative work, particularly live performing arts. I had already been feeling the burnout that comes from the constant hustle of working in arts, but the pandemic took it to a new level. I think the contrast or compliment depends on the person, discipline, area of law, etc. For example, I’d say it’s a compliment for me, as I aspire to become a barrister. The skills I have from musical theatre will include voice and speech skills, which will make me more effective when advocating for my clients. In addition, working in the law will hopefully provide me with the space to practice my artistic pursuits without being contingent on commercial success.

Mental health first aid is a program developed here in Aus which trains people to provide emergency mental health assistance to people experiencing a mental health related crisis. It was really interesting, and definitely sharpened my perspective on mental health issues. It provides you with tools and resources to use to help people more effectively.

That’s awesome, it was always my dream to be an inventor - I’m hoping that as I get more into creating my own solutions that I’ll start making random stuff too. 3d printing definitely seems like an interesting and exciting area to learn about! What’s your favourite random thing you’ve made lately?

Hey Oli

Thanks for the thorough and well thought out reply.

I hope a career in law will give you the stability to indulgence a creative lifestyle.

I haven’t made anything weird recently. Hiwever i just put my hard hat out for display in the lounge. It has a painted, 3d printed jelly fish on top of it :slight_smile: I’ll send a pic tomorrow if I remember.

Look forward to seeing you around the space :slight_smile:

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