Hot water and other scavenging

Long term members will remember Richard from ANTL, who used to occasionally let us know when he had surplus left over stock to get rid of. ANTL is a testing lab, and they do a lot of solar hot water, but also other testing as well.

I reached out to richard a few weeks ago and they’ve put together their ‘to go’ pile. I’m going to go down there tomorrow (wednesday), probably with buzz. It will be in the morning, not 100% on time. It would be good to have one or two other helpers.

What I plan to do is do a livestream on discord so people can see whats there, and you can make a request that we take the item and you can collect it at the space if its small/easy and we have space. For everything else, if theres interest i will arrange a second visit, probably early next week.

I dont have a list of items, but its things like solar hot water tubes, panels. tanks, various industrial things etc. I think he has some solar pv panels. Its a real mix. Its a golden opportunity to build yourself an extremely cheap system or get some kind of interesting goodies.

So if you’re curious/keen be on discord to see the livestream.


I can provide a 2nd ute and a hand again if needed.

I only just recently (last winter) got around to installing the tubes I got off Richard about 10 years ago.

another ute and hands would be awesome. i have my ute, buzz has his trailer. i might grab the space trailer tonight.

You’re just in time to upgrade to the solar hot water panels haha. Richard rekons they’re a little less efficient but they’re way way way more durable than the glass tube arrays. he was also cheeky and said theres a brand he wouldnt pick but wouldnt divulge more, hahaha.

Well our heat pump system broke here (and was replaced with a restive heater system) .

If their is room for a tank in the pick up I will request one. (planing a preheater for the new system).

Unfortunately I am working tomorrow and my dad said he can only help in the afternoon.

I’m pre-committed for tomorrow morning, but may be able to help next week, with enough note of date and time.

Did the run today, have to collate what i’m taking for my setup, but will have maybe a second heat pump thats a ‘test article unknown working’, and some hot water panels to bring to the space.

Theres a pallet of stuff we didnt collect yet, a few hot water tanks, some water chillers, shower fittings, random giant butterfly valves, etc. I think also a urinal automation system? lol.

As we clear out his space richard will be getting deeper into the stacks of stuff so i think theres probably weekly/fortnightly trips on the books at this point. Deep deep in the warehouse he has solar pv panels, distribution boxes etc.