Definitely Happening:
I wanted to tell people about the workshop that Chang-yi and I are running at Oz Comic-con. We are running it under HSBNE’s name and it’s called 3D Printing for Cosplay. We have most of this under control, but I might ask people for a hand if we need help.
Could Happen:
One of the organisers called me today to tell me how cool he thinks HSBNE is and that he love that we are reaching out to the cosplay community (and the other stuff we do too). He thought it would be great if we could have a stall somewhere at the show so people can follow up and see all the cool stuff we do. He put us on a wait list for the cheaper artist alley table, but suggested that we could try teaming up with another (richer) organisation who could share a full size stall, or even sponsor us to pay for a full size stall.
I think we can totally pull together some sponsors, and Chang-yi and I have ideas for things we can sell at the stall to bring in money. Sponsors could be small companies that we will stock some of their products at the stall and list them as a sponsor for $200 or major sponsors will get big headings on the walls for $500 (plus stocking their product).
I can attack this on my own, but I think this could be great for us and would appreciate other’s input.