HSBNE promo at Laura St Festival

Howdy Hackers.

The Wonky Qld’er is travelling to Laura Street Festival (Highgate Hill) on Sunday, to bring the usual good vibes and fun times. We’ve been asked whether HSBNE would like to set up a stall to promote itself & its activities.

For those unfamiliar, Laura St is an annual community-run street festival. It is family oriented & involves lots of music, art, street theatre, etc. It is driven largely by the folks behind Turnstyle (with whom i believe HSBNE has a long and illustrious history).

The Wonky will be serving free fresh juice & hosting a small number of musical acts. However, we are also keen for anyone who cares to do their thing to do their thing. I reckon it’d be a good chance for HSBNE to have a little bit of visibility in the community & possibly nab a few more members.

So, questions:

  • is anyone interested in setting up a stall for a few hours?
  • do we have any standard promo materials which could be disseminated?
  • does anyone want free juice?

That’s all. Hit me up if you’re keen.


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I would like free juice and am happy to be involved in serving fresh juice to others.


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Oh dear, all the double bookings… I’d love to help out, but sadly cannot, as this is the same weekend as both Supernova AND the HSBNE working bee, as well as in my case a friends birthday, so there is a zero percent chance of me even getting time to be a responsible adult, let alone help out.

While I’m being a negative sod, I’ll also point out that while I have seen HSBNE posters, cards ect, I’m not sure if we have any on hand nor how long it takes to get they made up if we don’t.

None the less, I love the idea of having the wonky serving juice at the Laura St Festival, so best of luck to you guys and please post some photos up of the shenanigans for those of us only their in spirit.