Hi fellow hackers,

In an earlier meeting the idea of having some stock on hand that we could sell was raised. It idea is that we have, say, some Acrylic or MDF or plywood sheets of various thicknesses on hand and we can sell whole or part sheets to members. We could also have other consumables like bolts, screws, carbide inserts etc.

This saves you having to organise getting in either big and awkward sheets of material in (that may not fit in your car) or having to wait the weeks to get something for the far east. You can also get small quantities; a cut off section of sheet or just a couple of bolts, etc.

I’m interested in thinking if you think this would truly be a valuable service. Is there anything you think would be a useful thing to sell?

It’s all just an idea so far. It would have to be pretty low maintenance to be successful (no-one want to spend heaps of time looking after it).

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If we stocked Acrylic and charged, say, 20% extra:

Acrylics Online HSBNE $/M² Notes
Product Thickness Size X Size Y $/Sheet $/M² $ Sheet $/M²
Clear Arcylic 3 300 600 $7.80 $43.33 $9.36 $52.00 Per Pack of 50
Clear Arcylic 4.5 300 600 $7.94 $44.11 $9.53 $52.93 Per Pack of 50
Clear Arcylic 8 600 600 $39.40 $109.44 $47.28 $131.33 Individual sheets
White Acrylic 3 600 600 $25.00 $69.44 $30.00 $83.33 Individual sheets
White Acrylic 4.5 600 600 $30.00 $83.33 $36.00 $100.00 Individual sheets