It’s time for our first infrastructure working bee! The purpose of this event is to invite everyone to come along and help our infrastructure team with common maintenance tasks, install new equipment, etc. These working bees are scheduled to run on the first Tuesday evening of every month. Use this thread to help organise this working bee. The working bee is all day, but most infrastructure maintainers won’t be at HSBNE until about 6pm.
The following is a list of suggested things to work on:
- Create the next set of schedule posts for this working bee.
- Clean up and tidy the cause maintained areas (mainly the server room)
- Go around the space and red ticket items that aren’t being stored correctly.
- Deal with red tickets that have already expired.
- Work on infrastructure projects like our access control system, portal, etc.
- Check all of our servers/services for updates and complete as necessary:
- porthack01
- porthack03
- porthack-kiosk
- UniFi networking gear
- greenroom display
- Add more to this list by posting in this thread!