Laser Cutter

Thanks to the legendary people who helped to make this laser cutter come alive.

Note the “FEE” For using the laser cutter was voted in at $1 per 10 min LASER ON CUTTING TIME so if you procrastinate to get everything correct for ages and only take 30 sec to do a cut. you only need to pay for 30 sec. If we start to rake in fat profits from the laser cutter we will make it cheaper :slight_smile:

The magnificent people that donated for us to get the laser cutter are awarded 1hr of time for every $1 they donated.

crofty how did we go did you find someone else to pick it up? Seaming as
though its only 185kg a trailer would be ok for it to be picked up.

Who shuts at 2pm g

Great news everyone it is on the back of the trailer and is on the way to
the space see image attached.