Looking for a 3D modeller with 3d printer knowledge

I am print out this model from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:231677
I would like someone to hollow it and add windows, so I can insert lights (leds / led strips) and electronics into the model

That will look really cool, but its one hell of a print job.

16 parts of that size that all need to be of decorative quality is going to take at least a few days of print time, and that’s once you have the settings down and are fully calibrated. If your an experienced 3d printer owner, then you probably already know this and are expecting it, if not its my word of caution to try a few smaller things first.

For example, a few weeks ago did similar scale (22 part) print and it took me 4 days when I only left HSBNE to sleep. Having said that the first day was mostly getting set up and the problems with the printer worked out, so if your a member and wanting to use that printer it shouldn’t take much to get it going for ABS as it should still be pretty much good to go.

Regardless of what your planning to do, good luck, it looks like your onto an awesome project and I look forwards to seeing the results!

I’ve already printed the complete inner ring and halve of the three pylons on the outer ring
got to take a photo :wink:


Might be worth offering a dollar value you would be willing to pay… It looks like a fiddly job to make the pieces fit together while still being able to print on a home printer… I know there are some students around who might do it for some cash monies.

the model is all ready 3d printable, I am doing a few basic slicing operation with netflab to remove overhang and to fit the parts within the printing base size