Machine Shop Training Wednesday 27 August

Hi All,

a reminder that the metal shop Workshop will be on on Wednesday 27 of August from 4pm.

See you all there :smile:

Luke Hine - Has registered his interest…

Hi Victor, is this exclusively for members of HSBNE?

You need to be a member of HSBNE to use any of the site machinery/equipment/etc. You also have to go through a (simple) safety induction with the large machine-shop equipment before use ( for your safety, and that of the equipment). This Training is about getting members through their safety induction, and/or up-skilling user/s who’ve already done it, to become better at whatever specific thing they are interested in.
So, what this means is that effectively the answer is “Yes, it’s only for members”, however, I suspect that If you wanted to turn-up, and “spectate only”, you could be given a visitor badge… but you’d still not be allowed to touch/use anything, sorry.

That’s completely understandable. Thanks!

Hey everyone,

Won’t be able to get out there tonight see you next time though.