It’s no secret that our building is a little bit run down. That’s no excuse for making it look a little nicer however. Yesterday I bought a couple of flowers and hanging pots from Bunnings to hang near the quad door. I also printed out some signage in A3 with a big HSBNE logo and link to our website as our current sign was a bit run down.
I’d like to call on the general membership to make one small improvement next time you’re at the space. This could be many things, but here are some ideas to get started:
- Add more plants/flowers around the place. The men’s shed have started doing this and it makes the area look a lot more inviting! Make sure you get something that is ok in direct sunlight.
- If you see any out of date or worn out signage please take it down (or even better, replace it with new signage!)
- If you see a little bit of mess, or something out of place, please tidy it up.
- If you come across a minor problem or annoyance, please post it in @devians’ Papercuts thread or even fix it yourself!
- If you notice a page on our wiki or a tool’s documentation is out of date, fix it up (even if it’s just a few minor wording changes that can help!).