Metal Shop Cause Meeting Minutes 06/08/2019

Metal Shop Meeting August 6, 2019

HSBNE 221c MacArthur road, Eagle Farm, QLD 4009

Meeting called by: Craig Rea

Type of Meeting: Metal Shop Cause


Joshua Hogendorn, David Bussenschutt, Pierce Baronoff, David Seff, Craig Rea, Lincoln Phillips, Peri Albert, Zac Forrister, Lucas Oldfield, Craig Hudson-Taylor, Eris Ryan


Agenda Item : Consumables Purchase $730


Plasma Parts $180

Band saw blades for horizontal and vertical $150
Linisher belts $100

Cabinet hinge, gas struts and lock. $150
Miscellaneous will cover things like milling machine power feed switch, broken bench vise, second bench vise needs some steel plate underneath for strengthening and bolts if needed, banister brushes to go with the steel dust pans etc. $150
Total= $730

Conclusion: The above items where voted on to purchase and passed unanimously.

Agenda Item: Height Gauge & bluing liquid $250

Disscussion: It was discussed which height gauge would be preferred, a vernier scale type of height gauge or a digital type of height gauge. It was concluded that a vernier scale type gauge would be purchased.

Conclusions: The height gauge and bluing liquid where voted on to purchase and passed unanimously.

Agenda Item: Operating Policy

Discussion: Setting up an operating policy and what policies to include was discussed.

Eg. - Projects left in the metal shop.

-monthly discretional funds to be increased to a minimum of $200 per month

-Capital expenditure.

-Having a budget on each machine.

Conclusion: post the Operating Policies on the form as a work in progress for all to add their ideas.