The next Metalshop Team Meeting will be held on the 25th of July 2022 8pm. The meeting will be held virtually of the Meetings voice channel in the HSBNE discord server.
As per HSBNE’s Teams Policy, any items requiring a vote must be posted here to allow for 5 days notice to the membership. Thus the deadline for agenda items with votable aspects for this meeting is midnight the Wednesday before. Any items posted after this deadline will not be able to be voted upon this meeting and tabled for the next meeting for discussion and team member voting. Any HSBNE member may attend the meeting, but only Metalshop Team members are able to participate in voting.
Standing Agenda Items:
General Business
Updates on Ongoing Projects
Updates on Machine Repairs & Minor Upgrades
Voting Items
We will be trialling a new meeting format where we move through our taskade projects to guide the agenda of the meeting. All formal voting items still need to be put on this agenda 5 days before the meeting, even if we use taskade as a meeting tool. I will follow up with a couple of voting items to help us integrate taskade into the metalshop management and policies.
Another note: any HSBNE member may attend the metalshop meeting if you’re interested to hear what’s going on and have input in how the team runs. We’d love to hear from people who use the space what they’d like to see improved, worked on, etc. You will not, however, be able to vote in the meeting unless you are a member of the team.
About 2 years ago, we were donated an Aceira F3 Toolroom mill. Since receiving it, it has been sitting in the metalshop uncommissioned. After discussion with metalshop team members, I’d like to put forward the proposal to sell the mill as we believe it is surplus to our needs, and the capital can be converted into something that provides more value to members. I will be posting an equipment acquisition policy for this meeting and we can discuss what items we’d like to put through the process and prioritize what to purchase. Hopefully some of the funds from the sale can help us acquire items that we want.
I was suggesting to ryan that a second mill would be useful in the metal shop. I rarely see the current mill used to ilthe full potential of its size. And it is the only machine that can do what a mill does. So perhaps a second desk mounted mill would be sufficient for a variety of work.
Mainly we would have a second mill while this one is out of action and otherwise it means 2 people could mill at the same time…
I’m not necessarily suggesting we keep this mill that is likely up for sale, but is it feasibly to work towards another smaller mill in the future?