New Hackerspace Grants Program

Hi All!

Exiting news was announced at the MakerFest today, we have a new grant pool open with our name on it! See news article and grants page.
In brief, $20K grants are available to starting hackerspaces and $10K to existing hackerspaces, with two rounds over two years from an available pool of $450K.

I need your feedback in the next two weeks explaining what equipment we should aim for with our application. It would be great if this could include where to purchase from and the costs.

As per the grant guidelines, examples of eligible proposals for funding of both the establishment grant and the expansion
grant include:

  • purchase of software, open hardware, alternative media, networking gear, audio
    equipment for member use
  • purchase of machinery and/or hand tools for member use
  • development of workshops for knowledge sharing/capacity building
  • delivery of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) programs or advanced manufacturing workshops for younger people

Proposals not eligible for funding for either an establishment grant or an expansion grant include:

  • salaries for current or new staff or the costs associated with recruitment activities
  • normal operating costs (e.g. utilities charges, telecommunications charges, rent or
    lease expense)
  • construction, fit-out or maintenance of buildings
  • repair or maintenance of existing equipment
  • design and printing of promotional materials and advertising
  • raw materials
  • on-the-job training and supervision
  • insurance (e.g. public liability, building and contents, etc)
  • research and development.

Inspiration for suggestions on what we could get can be found in our previous wishlist threads here and here.

I assume we canā€™t apply for both? weā€™re very clearly not starting. (or rather, what does count as ā€˜startingā€™)

RE: the establisment grant - I didnā€™t see anything specific in the eligibility criteria. The wording for ā€œhaving a proposed siteā€ probably rules us out, unless weā€™d be willing to move locations for the sake of the grant. I didnā€™t read the whole document, so there could be more detail elsewhere.

Seems like itā€™d cost us more to move than the grant would be worth though, just about.

VR headset (Vive) and PC


Taz 6/Taz Mini/similar, so we donā€™t end up in the position of having minimal working printers again.

Funds to fix the Gigantorouter

New Horizontal Bandsaw for a basically equipped metal shop again


Plasma cutter and car hoist!


A Mantis Compact scope for Electronics.

For blacksmithing area:

New, 150kg refflinghaus #57 anvil $3367

25 Tonne, 20 amp Hydraulic Blacksmith Press, $6900 landed. Video, Supplier
(preferable over a power hammer since it is quieter, more adaptable and cheaper)

Leg Vice $550 (new) Stand $300, Used Vice and Stand $650

$2090 Radius Master 48, highly adaptable grinding setup suitable for bladesmithing

A machine with a 1200x2400 working area and a vacuum table.