Northshore Open Day - Sunday 12th June 9am-11am

So this Sunday there is a Northshore Open Day at the Maritime Green (along the waterfront, just on the city side of the Eat St Carparks), for local residents, businesses, and community groups to gather and chat and show what they do. It’s only running for two hours, so very small as far as these things go.

HSBNE Inc has been invited to have a small stall there to show off what we are about/do. We are being provided with a 3x3m Marquee, and some tables and chairs.

If you are interested in coming along and sharing a small personal project at the stall, chatting with others about what HSBNE means to you/allowed you to create, that would be great! if you would like to help set up the stall, even better.

I will be in tomorrow around midday, assembling a kit of stuff to take over for the event (banners, box of assorted items created at the space, stacks of flyers etc). If anyone is available to assist with that it would be appreciated.

Sunday morning they would like everything set up by 8:45am. I aim to be at the space by 8am, pick up the box of gear and head over to set it up. Given the short time frame that the event is running for, I don’t see the need for complex setups involving running 3D printers etc, so setup should be relatively quick and painless, and the same applies for pack down at 11am. Given how close the event is to the space, I think running a tour at 11:30-12 ish afterwards for any interested parties is a good idea.

I know @Eris @Bikemad @Zanshin @White and a few others have expressed interest in being a body on the ground, but the invitation is open to all.

If you feel like there’s anything critical we should add, let me know!

Hope to see you there :slight_smile:

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Map just in case anyone needs a reference for where it is being held :slight_smile:

Can we get names of people who are confirmed as definitely attending? There’s no point 10 of us showing up, so it would be good if we can manage numbers.

Take my hard hat and jellyfish, I’m happy to go with as a confirmed attendee. If you want to swing by my place, I have rebar sledge hammers, and brass flowers we can take in.

Oh, and the wooden hammers. We can take in the wooden hammers.

I and Fraser will be going for sure. Fraser will pick me up and bring various things, wooden mallets, steel sledge hammers, brass flowers, potato launcher ect…

Hopefully we can swing by the space and bring the hard hat and jellyfish, and my apron, because it makes me look like I do stuff lol.

Being so close to the space, if we have lots of people show up then some can wander back there to work on projects if they like, or walk about and check out the other stalls. I don’t think it’s an issue.

All right. Well I’ll reconsider then, hope it goes well.