I’ve heard it said that we could, and perhaps should have done more as a community organisation to extend ourselves to the broader community.
We also have a pressing need to increase revenue by increasing our membership.
So, my idea is this; whenever we find a new home we could invite the local cub scout groups to visit. Those are the kids ranging from 8 to 10 years of age. They like excursions that get the kids out of their scout hall and doing something new and interesting to keep them active.
We could think of some small toy that they could build and paint. Maybe cut out a bunch of, um, frogs or something on the laser cutter. They could then screw something into them in the wood shop and then paint and decorate them in craft punk.
The thing about something like this is that it not only raises our profile as a community organisation, but there are usually a bunch of parents coming along. Those parents are also standing around and talking while waiting for their kids at the scout hall every week.
I think it would do a lot for us in terms of making our new community aware of where we are and what we do. With any luck word or mouth will send some new members in to visit us on an open night.
I know that we have other things on at the moment, but i just wanted to share this idea before i forgot about it.