Online Direct Democracy meet and greet Tues 12/4/2016

Hi Everyone!

Just a heads up that I will be at HSBNE in the classroom from about 5pm to 6.30pm next Tuesday (12/4/16) for people to drop in and see what we are all about.

I know some of you may already be aware of the Online Direct Democracy Party but we are a very different beast to what we were only 6 months ago.

Using a custom built platform (currently in a beta testing phase), we will be ready to contest the next federal election on the premise that we will use this technology to dictate the action of our MPs. Our MPs will not work for corporations or special interest groups, only Australian voters.

Have a look at the party website and feel free to drop in and have a chat next Tuesday.

I hope to see you there :slight_smile:

Kris Bullen
Online Direct Democracy Party
Candidate for Fairfax

For a bit more context on this, Kris is an old friend of mine. I thought the concepts regarding online democracy management would incite some interesting discussion.

Thanks Steph :slight_smile:

I’d be interested in a discussion of Pollyweb vs PPAU’s system (It may be the same thing, can’t remember at this time of morning.).

The IT developers won’t be at the meeting unfortunately although I may be able to answer some of the questions. If I can’t answer any questions, I’m more than happy to take them away and get back to you with the answers.

I’d be keen to see if we can leverage that for the space in some way. Liquid democracy style?

All discussions welcome :slight_smile: