Participants sought for study looking into how drivers percieve and respond to different common driving events

Thought a few of the car enthusiasts here might like to get paid $50 for a ride in the QUT simulator. See below for details:

Dear Colleagues

My name is David Rodwell from the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) and I’m investigating how common driving interactions between individuals effects their behaviour, thoughts, and feelings while driving. The study involves completion of both an online survey and a session in the CARRS-Q Advanced Driving Simulator, located at the QUT Kelvin Grove campus

If you’d like to help me in this study I’m looking for males aged 30 years or younger, who have a current full Australian driver’s licence, drive regularly (at least 5 hours per week), and are not employed as a professional driver. Additionally, to use the Advanced Driving Simulator participants must not suffer from epilepsy, experience motion sickness, or have a medical condition that affects their driving.

The online survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete while the simulator session will take around 1 hour and 10 minutes. Participants who complete all aspects of the project will be compensated with $50 for their time. Please view the below recruitment flyer for further details on the study and how to participate.

Should you wish to participate or have any questions, please contact me via email. (Details below)

Please note that this study has been approved by the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number 1500000297).

Many thanks for your consideration of this request.

Kind regards


Research Officer, Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Queensland
Queensland University of Technology | Kelvin Grove Campus |
Level 4, K Block | 130 Victoria Park Road Q 4059 Australia
ph: +61 (0) 7 3138 4879 | f: +61 (0) 7 3138 0111 | e:|
CRICOS No. 00213J

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Gosh darned it, excluded for medical reasons. Now, if he wants to run the same thing but testing people with things like chronic sleep conditions who are still eligible to hold a licence, sign me up!


Damn, I’m too old. I wanna do burnouts in the simulator. :frowning:

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