Relaunch Party

I’d like to start discussing this so we have a plan! :smiley:

Things I would like to see and or do at such a party.


  • We have a small pile of stuff thats valuable, but not to us. ie, servers, ups’s, that big helicopter etc. We should run a charity auction.
  • Speaking of auctions, i’d like to see a mentorship auction. ie, I could be auctioned off to give you 2 hours of tute in web apps, or arduino etc.
  • Professional service auctions? not sure. Could be worthwhile.
  • Sponsorships for advertising at the event.
  • A bar! Alcohol and drinks are a great money spinner.
  • Some sort of raffle perhaps?

Events / things goings on

  • Lightening talks on projects or hacks?
  • Demonstrations?
  • Dinner and a show?

What ideas does everyone have? :slight_smile:


EV Race? Sven and Victor are building their electric skateboards, perhaps the showdown can be at the launch party?


If you want to serve beer, we should organise it now. Most of those micro brew joints take 3ish weeks. We can save a ton of money going that way and get tastier, more interesting stuff. For instance, Brews brothers most expensive brews are ~$200/50L and kegs of XXXX gold are around $200-240 all the way up to $400-450 for the fancy ciders and beers.

For serving the beer we would also need the CO2 tank regulator and correct disconnects for whichever group we choose to go with. I would be able to lend some of my equipment for the day but depending on what we get my not have the correct couplers but would reduce cost down a bit hire wise when teamed up with the kegerator that is next to air hockey table.

If Brewsbrothers route we would also have to supply our own kegs again I could probably lend 2 19L corny style and 3 S couples(only have on s coupler though for serving). Which would let us do a dark a pale and a black and tan of the two :stuck_out_tongue:
