Site Strategy meeting - Fortnightly from 4/6/23

These meetings are held each fortnight on Sunday, from 10am
| 4/6/23 | 18/6/23 | 2/7/23 | 16/7/23 | 30/7/23 | 13/8/23 | 27/8/23 | 10/9/23 | 24/9/23 | 8/10/23 |

All members are strongly encouraged to attend as these meetings are to plan the continued operation of HSBNE into 2024.

In these meetings we put into action the high level goals identified at previous meetings. We need to actively pursue these goals.

  1. Develop Local Relationships
  • Government
  • Artists
  • Creators groups
  • associations / groups / guilds
  1. Develop an emergency exit plan
  2. Achieve Charity Status
  3. Establish Store on Site
  • Cost/benefit required
  • starting budget required
  • volunteer (squad) required
  1. Grow Membership
  • open days
  • glow up the entry/lounge
  • member onboarding

I have started to try and make signs for the entrance here HSBNE Entry Signs - Google Docs

18/6/23 | 2/7/23 | 16/7/23 | 30/7/23 | 13/8/23 | 27/8/23 | 10/9/23 | 24/9/23 | 8/10/23

The HSBNE community has always thrived on collaboration, innovation, and proactive engagement. We are reaching out to you with an urgent call to action.

We have scheduled a crucial site strategy meeting for this Sunday, 18 June, at 10am. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and plan the future direction of our community site and identify strategies that will bring us closer to our shared vision. We strongly encourage each and every one of you to attend this meeting and actively participate in shaping the future of our community.

Here are a few compelling reasons why your attendance is crucial:

YOUR VOICE MATTERS: This meeting is your opportunity to participate in the direction HSBNE takes into the future. We value your insights, ideas, and perspectives, and we need everyone to help build a stronger space.

COLLABORATIVE BRAINSTORMING: We firmly believe that the best solutions arise through collective brainstorming. By attending the site strategy meeting, you will have the chance to share your thoughts, exchange ideas with fellow members, and contribute to a robust and diverse discussion.

LONG-TERM PLANNING: Our community’s growth and success depend on long-term planning and strategic thinking. This meeting will allow us to assess our current position, set achievable goals, and establish a roadmap for our collective progress. Your input in this process is invaluable.

FORTNIGHTLY ENGAGEMENT: This site strategy meeting is to discuss ongoing site development, address concerns, and celebrate accomplishments. Attending this meeting will ensure you are well-informed and actively involved in subsequent meetings, strengthening our community’s unity and progress.

Please make the necessary arrangements to be present at the site strategy meeting this Sunday, 18 June, at 10am. Your active participation and valuable insights are essential to charting a prosperous future for our community.

We understand that time can sometimes be a constraint, but we sincerely hope you can prioritise this meeting and demonstrate your commitment to our community. Together, we can achieve remarkable things.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 10am!

Might there be an agenda provided prior to this meeting please?

the agenda is based on the past meetings.

Attendees: Zac, Tom, Kyia, Eris

Running classes to grow membership
Kyia - running a stained glass class
Zac - trying to organise a spoon carving/relief carving class