Hi,its that time of year again when ANTL is clearing out our storeroom and we have heaps of Solar Hot Water parts available that are too good to bin, so we are offering them as give-away to HSBNE members, the only catch is we need them gone before Monday and you have to come and get them. whatever is not taken will be binned.

I have stacked parts in the carpark and people are free to take it whenever they like, the address is 15 Suscatand Street Rocklea, and the parts are stacked next to our container in the car park down the left side of the building.

Specificallt the parts include -

Solar Collector headers for tubes
Solar Collector tubes
Some Flat panels
Some dented by workable tanks.

they have mostly been used for testing but some parts are new.

first in best dressed - I wont be holding items.

Regards Richard

ps I will pass my contact details onto the president in case their are any direct question that cant be answered here on the forum.


Thanks for the heads up Richard! Picked up the three boxes of tubes and a two manifolds. Should definitely get us back working hot water wise!

Do you happen to know which manifolds the tubes are designed for? I couldn’t quite tell, two of the silver ones had the right spacing but the holes in the collectors were different sizes.


Beau, basically the tube just has to fit into the header exchange port - so just check the tube which I think the ones I put out were a large size have a matching header, if you get stuck let me know as we have others I havent put out yet and may end up wanting to get rid of, if you are near the office during working hours - 8 -4 mon - fri come and introduce yourself and I can help discuss whats needed.

regards Richard

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