Thursday 30th of October - Come along to help Build Stuff for the Upcoming Parade

Hi All,

On Thursday from 1:30pm we will be working on cool stuff we can bring along to the Parade happening on Saturday.

We will be making programmable LED Top Hats, an large HSBNE Sign and anything else we can think of that might look cool to show off during the parade.

If you have any suggestions or if you have anything which you would like to work on please post below.

If you can come along and give a hand that would be awesome!!!

the more people the better :slight_smile:

OK I’ve got the USB ISP from Skip (Gold Coast TechSpace) to upload the recompiled abraham blinkin to the pro mini ish and all is working fine. Just another 40+ units to go :slight_smile:

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I’ll drop by after work

Does anyone have some cool robots … quadcopters (that we will not be able to fly … but which would still look cool). segways… etch that we could take along?

Hi Victor,
I can get there about 2, for awhile. See you.

We should have that coffee cart with somebody riding in the trailer and the Hackabot.

James C could safely fly his tiny quadcopter without it being a security or safety risk.

I don’t know if I’ll make it. Maybe for an hour or two.

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I will be their after work