Total Lunar Eclipse this Tuesday

“‘There’s nothing I can do, a Total Lunar Eclipse of the heart’”

For those into astronomy, you might be interested in knowing that there will be a total lunar eclipse tomorrow evening during our regular Tuesday night open night! The moon is scheduled to begin rising in the East at 5:26pm mid-eclipse, with the eclipse’s midpoint at 5:46pm. It’ll stay fully eclipsed until 6:25pm and will be over by 7:33pm. We aren’t on a mountain or anything, but thanks to the open paved area next to the space we have pretty good visibility to the East. Cloud cover is estimated at 15-19% so the odds are good we’ll be able to see it.

If space is your thing, bring some binoculars or a telescope & make sure you arrive at the space early! :smile:

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Thanks for the heads-up Mike, this was great to see!

I was down the road taking photos of it, here is one of the photo of lunar eclipse

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