Wanted: Waste PLA Plastic

Hey Team,

I’ve had some success recycling PLA into marbled bowls and planters. If you have any waste PLA built up from 3D printing rubbish I’d like to collect it. I’m coming down to HSBNE on the 19th of November for the Tuesday open night, would love if you could save or bring some in for me. Can also do a pickup during that afternoon. The fam and I are going to do a big plastic bake over Christmas.



Your in luck!
I was about to throw out rolls of plastic as my printer no longer take this size.
These rolls would also have moisture absorption, but it sounds like this wouldn’t be a issue for you.

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Wow perfect! Want me to pick these up or will you be in at the space on the 19th?

I will try and drop them off before and put your name on them. Alternatively pickup from Paddington is also possible if you prefer.

Cool, I can grab them from member’s storage if you put my name on them.

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Hey Steph, we have A LOT of old PLA kicking around in Digifab, I’d suggest you’d find better use recycling it like this than trying to print it due to the water buildup in it.

Great idea. Just go through the pile and find any that are too brittle after a ‘snap’ test? Or do you have a crappy pile set aside?

I’ll do this on Tuesday (As the cause leader) and put a pile of PLA aside, as it has been shown that some of our members do not like some of the PLA we are using and just throw it out without testing it 100% for useability. If the space can use it I would rather it be used for printing

Thanks @crofty, much appreciated.